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SQL Database Reporting

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If you're a beginner and you want to learn SQL database reporting skills as quickly as possible, you've found the right course.

If you want to get started straight away, simply click on the free lessons below. If you find the free lessons useful you can then move on to the complete e-book or printed book.

Course Outline and Free Lessons

Lesson 1: Install SQL Server Express FREE
Lesson 2: Connect to SQL Server FREE
Lesson 3: Install the sample database FREE
Lesson 4: Explore a database FREE
Lesson 5: Write your first database query FREE
Lesson 6: Understand the SELECT statement and save a query FREE
Lesson 7: Sort with ORDER BY and export query results FREE
Lesson 8: Use the TOP and DISTINCT keywords FREE
Lesson 9: Filter results with WHERE FREE
Lesson 10: Use the LIKE keyword for inexact filters
Lesson 11: Use simple mathematical operators and custom column names
Lesson 12: Concatenate text and numbers
Lesson 13: Understand dates and use the CONVERT function
Lesson 14: Use logical operators and filter by date
Lesson 15: Use aggregate functions and GROUP BY
Lesson 16: Work with NULL values and the IN keyword
Lesson 17: Use the HAVING statement to filter aggregate results
Lesson 18: Use date functions
Lesson 19: Work with text functions
Lesson 20: Understand relationships
Lesson 21: Use inner joins to extract data from multiple tables
Lesson 22: Use outer joins
Lesson 23: Use full joins
Lesson 24: Use cross joins
Lesson 25: Use the CASE function
Lesson 26: Work with subqueries
Lesson 27: Use IN and EXISTS
Lesson 28: Use UNION to append the results of multiple queries together
Lesson 29: Create a View
Lesson 30: Analyze and optimize a query

About the course

Almost every company in the world now relies on databases for their day to day operations, but they’re often unable to extract the data they need from their databases. Reporting software can help but can’t solve every problem. Every organization can benefit from a staff member who knows how to generate database reports using the SQL language, but SQL is a rare skill among most office staff.

Part of the reason that few people have SQL skills is that most related courses try to teach every aspect of database theory, including database design and server administration.

This course is different. It focuses entirely on database reporting and won’t slow you down by trying to teach skills that you don’t need. This course also focuses on skills that will be useful on many different types of database rather than teaching obscure commands that will only work on a certain type of database.

If you want to learn practical SQL reporting skills in the shortest time possible, this is the course for you.

How to use this course

This course works entirely with practical examples. To get the most out of the course you should follow each lesson’s examples on your own computer.

To follow the course’s examples, you will need a Windows computer with SQL Server Express installed. SQL Server Express can be downloaded for free and you will find full instructions on how to install it at the beginning of the course.

The SQL skills taught in this course are also applicable to other database products such as MySQL. You could theoretically complete this course using a different type of database but it’s highly recommended that you use SQL Server Express.